Newry Street Unite is about providing structures and access to services for the people of the area in order that all can reach their full potential.



Newry Street Community Centre opened its doors in August 2018. The building which now sits on top of the hill took some time to plan and get there and is part of a process of engagement with the whole community. The first committee came together in 2012 in response to growing sectarianism and anti-social behaviour.

The group decided to put energy into providing outlets and alternatives for young people and families in the area. They organised summer schemes and festivals at Halloween and Christmas. There are great anecdotal stories associated with the Green container and the boots of cars which housed equipment and covers from the elements.


Members of the committee organised fundraisers and researched grants and funding to assist the work. They consulted with the community and listened to the needs being raised. Along with other statutory and voluntary organisation they developed a strategy to develop a community centre for the area.

When the Big Lottery Space and Place funding was announced the in 2012 the committee carried out extensive consultations and engagement activities with local residents to plan and prepare the application.

With their Space & Place funding, the group will construct a new building and play park which means their
programme of activities can run all year round, regardless of the weather.


Newry Street Unite is about providing structures and access to services for the people of the area in order that all can reach their full potential.

We are about supporting, building, developing and creating spaces where the community can come together to learn, have fun, be challenged and in turn challenge as we become a dynamic and inclusive community.

Our constitution objects state


“The Association is established to promote the benefit of the inhabitants of the Newry Street area without distinction of age, gender, sexuality, nationality, ethnic origin, political or religious opinion, by associating the statutory authorities , voluntary organisations and the inhabitants in a common effort to relieve poverty , advance education and to provide or assist in providing facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation or other leisure-time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life of the said inhabitants.”

(Constitution of Newry Street Unite)

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